Batavia University - Environmental Studies Field Degree Programs&Literature Programs

John Muir Insitute of Environmental Studies

Free Courses
John Muir Institute of Environmental Studies
Jimmu Temmo/Saija Institute of Ninjutsu
William Shakespeare Institute of Literary Arts
The William Brewster TESOL Institute
Theodore Roosevelt Institute of Social, Political and Historical Sciences
Hippocratic Institute of Pre-Medical Studies
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International Conservation Society
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Our Environmental Studies staff explore the world and bring it to you. For information about our 100% field-based environmental studies degree programs click here
The founding father of conservation, John Muir, explored the beauty of nature, taught the world of it, and championed its preservation. We strive to follow his example  by exploring all areas of environmental significance and natural wonder and bringing them to our students in vivid detail through our online and field environmental studies degree programs. As a subsidiary of The International Conservation Society we also lobby for preservation and environmental reform in the areas featured in our online and field degree and study programs, encouraging the world to do the same.

Our professors in our online environmental field studies and degree programs are not only well studied, but have experienced the environment virtually everywhere in the world. From the Rocky Mountains to the Great Barrier Reef. From the teeming reefs of Lombok and Sulawesi to the lush rainforests of Kalimantan and Sumatra to the rugged oddity of Komodo.From the Ganges to the Amazon. From the Outback to the American Mid-Atlantic wetlands. From Mt. Kilamanjaro to Mt. Fuji, and virtually every type of ecosystem imaginable. They will bring these places to life before you as if you were there in our online environmental studies program, or actually take you to many of these amazing destinations you'd otherwise only read about in out field environmental studies degree programs.

They have observed the scenes of environmental distasters from Krakatau to Nagasaki to the destructive earthquakes in Los Angeles. From the deadly torrents of the Jakarta floods to the leveling of the rainforests in Java and Sumatra. From blazing forest fires to smoldering oil fires to cleaning of oil spills. Our unique, online & field-based environmental studies degree programs, presented from these first-hand perspectives, will allow you to live these concepts rather than just reading about them.

These are but a few of the environmental phenomena our professors have observed and experienced first hand. At Batavia U we believe experience truly is the best teacher, and it is this experience that sets our staff apart.We have not just studied about it- we've been there.  Experience the difference for yourself.

Environmental Studies Course Offerings

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Batavia University
Indra Valley Inn
Bukit Lawang, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Near the Entrance to Gunung Leuser National Park and Bohorok Orangutan Rehabilitation Center
Central Administrative Office in Harapan Baru, West Bekasi, Indonesia
We are affiliated with the Global Institute
For more information please contact us at   or +62-(61) 777 98115
